A stealth game set in a noir world with a detective Cat, gangsters Fish and Rat bosses. Find your way through the gangs to discover the criminal activities of the city.

Role - Lead Designer

  • Mechanics and aesthetics design

  • Level design

  • Gameplay design

  • UI/UX design

You can download it here: Hot On The Tail

Level Design System

The level design system was based on five different difficulty that could be modular and could be easily inserted inside the level differently so we could build a level based on a flow graph.

Formulae and System

Level speed
The relation between the player’s speed and the enemies’ speed.

Normalizing Player and Enemies speed to know the speed of different section.

Formula = PlayerSpeed / (EnemySpeed x Number of enemies)

Stealth Level Difficulty
The difficulty in overcoming the level without being seen by the enemies.
Normalizing the number of movement of the player (Number of cover elements) and the cone of vision (CV) of the enemies.

Formula = (Number of enemies x CV Max Length) / Cover Elements

Heights Transition Difficulty
The difficulty in changing height in the four section of the level.
Normalizing the number of Handholds where the player can go on the 2nd height and the number of stealth movement behind covers to not be seen by enemies, represented by the number of cover elements.

Formula = Number of enemies / Number of Handholds